Saturday, December 6, 2008

I belive

I belive...

I Belive!

I do belive...

I have always done so, as long as my soul has been in this world and even before that.

They call me insane. They have no right! They do not belive. They couldn't.

Why would they? They're not worhty! The master has not shown them the world as it really is.

For example: They dont know that The Number of Nine (9) is evil.

Blessed be The Master and all of the chosen ones he has placed in this world to preach his word!

The time of great purging is soon at hand. As it is said in The Holy Passage of Kalinschaskt we only have Nine (9) years until The Great Plague. This is the time when all has been lost to sin and degeneration of the still pure minds of untuched man. It has been foretold that 6009 years after Üikal (the creation of the world) The Great Plague will take place, and the infection of sin shall stalk the land of The Master. We can not allow this! There is a way to fight it. I just need to find it in The Holy Book of Truth. In The Holy Passage of Kalinschaskt where all the facts about the Threat of The Great Plague can be found.

I shall study The Holy Passage of Kalinschaskt more and give further instructions about how to defend your self from The Great Plague.
Fear not,
all is not lost!