Monday, August 17, 2009

Quiet, soft and aesthetically dead.

The start and the finish.

There are so many things. To get out.
You can't. As you are aesthetically dead. You feel it flowing through you, this pure feeling. The feeling of mattering, for some reason. Of having substance. It's no religious feeling, not at all. Something completly diffrent. Something complete. Something you have to share. It just needs to get out.

You try. You fail. And you try again.


What is it that we think we posses that anyone else doesn't?

I am, like many children of my generation, raised by strangers. Most of my youth and my present life I am bombarded with other peoples view of life. In TV, in books, movies, on the internet, advertisment, magazines and all that shit. The new society, were everyone that doesn't have an internet profile slowly fades away, the exposure to oppinions and pursuation has never been greater.

Can you really call yourself original, when every thought has been thought and given to you? When every way to express them has become re-runs on some stupid show.

Can you then call yourself an individual, or are you just a part of an ever swelling colletive?

An collection of brains morphed together by biology and common knowlege? What are You then?

You are aesthetically dead. Nothing you say, think or do will ever by original ever again. How many of the sentences you have spoken all your life are really your own?

How do you fight it? With art!

ART: /ɑrt/ [ahrt]noun
the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
the class of objects subject to aesthetic criteria; works of art collectively, as paintings, sculptures, or drawings: a museum of art; an art collection.
a field, genre, or category of art: Dance is an art.
the fine arts collectively, often excluding architecture: art and architecture.
any field using the skills or techniques of art: advertising art; industrial art.
(in printed matter) illustrative or decorative material: Is there any art with the copy for this story?
the principles or methods governing any craft or branch of learning: the art of baking; the art of selling.
the craft or trade using these principles or methods.
skill in conducting any human activity: a master at the art of conversation.
a branch of learning or university study, esp. one of the fine arts or the humanities, as music, philosophy, or literature.
(used with a singular verb) the humanities: a college of arts and sciences.
(used with a plural verb)
skilled workmanship, execution, or agency, as distinguished from nature.
trickery; cunning: glib and devious art.
studied action; artificiality in behavior.
an artifice or artful device: the innumerable arts and wiles of politics.
Archaic. science, learning, or scholarship.