Saturday, September 27, 2008

About this blog. Who are we and what are we doing?

The International Union of Mental Health is an international cooperation of scientist that are trying to find new methods of curing and reinstate mental patients back into society. We need your help to do so.

This blog is a new type of therapy. We call this method of therapeutic blogging "Therapy Session Blogging" (TSB). This is the first time we are diplaying this kind of therapy officially on the internet.
TSB is a technique that has been developed by certified medical staff and has taken years of planning and researching to produce. We are most pleased with the results and are certain that this new treatment will be very efficient.

The theory of TSB is simple. The Patient and the so called Reader correspond to make the Patient feel better. Everyone can be a Reader. But not everyone can be a patient. We have selected the patiens with good care.

The asortment of patients is consisting out of individuals with different kinds and levels of distortions. You as a reader will notice this. All of the patients in the TSB programme are there because they have chosen to. It is simply a chanse to get well. Some of the individuals are captivated for their own and other peoples safty. We assure you that this is done by their own will and need. Dont forget that some of the patients we are dealing with have serious problems. They do not always know what is right and what is wrong. We are happy to take your questions if you have any. We would like all furhter the comunication to take place in the blog, we belvie it is the most conviniant way.

We want the Patient to express things as His/Her feelings, political opinions and their thoughts about the world we are living in. The way of doing so is completely up to the Patient. It can be made with pictures, music, video etc. This is to help the Patient better get in touch with Him/Her self and for you to get to know them better.

Everyo ne is free to patricipate by reading and giving feedback and comments to the patients (And to us aswell). This is a very crusial part of the therapy.

The Patients are then exposed to the feedback from our Readers. This is becuase we are trying to make the Patient understand that people can think diffrently and make them more open to social contact without having to be afraid of the consequences.

There is no censorships on any of our participants, not on the Patient and niether on the Reader. Though spaming is strictly prohibited. Everything is accaptlable. For the therapy to work properly we need all participants to be completly honest and unafraid to always express exaclty what He/She thinks. Even if it takes excessive l anguage. The Reader and the Patient will always remain anonymous, but we encourage the Patient to use aliases or/and nicknames. We recomend you doing the same, even if you only will visit this blog once. This is to get a personal bound to the TSB blog and to the Reader/Patient but still remain anonymous.

We do not take any responsibility for anything that is published in our blog if it is not signed by us and labeled "Publications by the Administrative". The Patient is always beeing monitered when writing in the blog, so He/She can not post submission in the name of the Administrative. Therefor we can assure you that we are under control of the situation at all times.

We will look forward to your cooperation
// The Administrative

5th of October 2008

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